Askania Vision
Your Flexible Allround Camera
Our new c-mount camera ASKANIA Vision can be operated in stand-alone mode as well as in combination with a PC and the corresponding software. In stand-alone mode, the user works directly on the connected screen via an integrated user interface, which can be conveniently operated with the supplied mouse. The mouse is simply connected to the camera via USB.
The integrated software has a wide range of measuring and recording functionalities and also offers some special features. For example, the autofocus allows the user to view different focus levels without having to change the settings of the actual device.
Implementation on a PC Workstation
The ASKANIA Vision unfolds its full potential in combination with the included imaging software. In addition to all the functions of stand-alone-mode, you can access further software modules for analysis, editing and documentation of results.
For example, you can make use of the live stitching module to cojoin views on a single large sample into a coherent image.
The Live EDF module allows you to acquire depth-focused images. The Metric Flow module lets you create measurement plans on a reference sample. Repeat these so called Flows to compare pieces with the reference sample and have the system list deviations in lengths or percentage. This module is especially useful for quality assurance and tolerance control during serial production.
Autofocus and Real Time Graphics Engine
Depth of Focus Module during Live Imaging
Imaging Software Included
Imaging-Software Module Overview
Click on the part of the image which you want to focus on. The autofocus adjusts the focal plane to optimize image aquisition within the camera's optical system. Overal microscope zoom or position doesn't have to be changed to optimize local views.
Combine it with Live-EDF to layer local focal planes and receive a fully crisp image.

Panorama Function (Stitching)
Using the panoramic function, you can create a microscopic image of the entire sample object.
The created panoramic image can still be measured and analyzed, just like any other image.

Metric Flow Module
Designed for quality assurance, the metric flow module records geometry with expected lengths and the measuring steps that lead to these results as digital to-do-list. Measure a perfect piece once, then easily repeat the process for the whole product series. Numerical and percentual differences to the perfect original are determined and recorded. This saves many, many clicks for each batch and with time-stamp function and annotations, you can quickly discern systematic influences in your assembly.

Enhanced Depth of Field in Real Time
Live-EDF Module enables the creation of depth focus images within seconds. Autofocus and real-time-engine of ASKANIA Vision prodivdes an artifact-free result.